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                关于我们ABOUT US



                Shanghai Hanxiang Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2007. Headquartered in Shanghai, the financial center of China, it is a professional kitchen equipment company integrating design, production, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance.

                现有炉具、制冷设备、钢具设备、排Ψ 油烟设备、烘培设备、清洗消毒设备、白钢系列、酒店用品等八大系列,规格型号齐全,产品外型美观,结构合理、节约能源、坚固耐用、操作方便、符合卫生、消防、环保标准,公司厂制品均采用进口不锈钢材料及各种进口配件,并经精良加工和组装,服务和质量得到用户肯定。

                Shanghai Hanxiang Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2007. Headquartered in Shanghai, the financial center of China, it is a professional kitchen equipment company integrating design, production, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance.

                公司管理者尤其注重企业文化的建设,从初创时期就制定了∑ "以人为本,科技为先,质量第一,客户至上"的企业宗旨:"制造精品,超越自我"的企业精神:"以质量求生存,以质量树品牌,以质量图发展"的质量方针:"管理现代化,品质优良化,服务星级化"的经营理念,形成了汉翔厨具▆独有的企业文化,激励每个员工与公司共同成长、壮大。

                The company's managers pay special attention to the construction of enterprise culture. From the initial stage, they have formulated the enterprise tenet of "people-oriented, science and technology first, quality first, and customer first": the enterprise spirit of "making high-quality products, surpassing ourselves"; the quality policy of "living with quality, building brand with quality, and developing with quality"; the business philosophy of "modern management, excellent quality, and star service", forming the unique enterprise culture of Hanxiang kitchenware, Encourage each employee to grow and grow together with the company.


                To carry forward the past and open up the future, all employees of the company will continue to adhere to the tenet of "people-oriented, science and technology first, quality first, customer first", and provide you with perfect services including design, production, installation, maintenance, etc. at any time. The goal of sincere cooperation and common development is Hanxiang's eternal pursuit.


